• Who We Are


We are an Independent Consulting Firm

GPM Associates is a leading consulting firm with core competence in management and big data solutions. We employ a clinical approach to addressing critical regulatory requirements under the Nigeria Data Protection Regulation (NDPR) and the EU General Data Protection Regulation (GDPR).

Our dedicated team of experts, working with CPJ Solicitors, led the crack team that helped Nigeria draft the NDPR. As such, our Team is cognizant and uniquely equipped and positioned to help your organization comply with the NDPR and other relevant international instruments on data protection regulation.

Our Approach/Mode of Operation

We provide exceptional training, consulting, and compliance services to meet the specific news of our clients.
Solutions provided include but are not limited to:

Data protection regulations compliance and breach services.

Data protection privacy advisory services.

Data protection capacity building.

Data protection and providing breach remediation planning and support services.

Data regulations contract drafting and advisory.

Information privacy audit.

Data privacy breach impact assessment.

Data protection and privacy due diligence investigation.

Outsourced data protection officer.

Expert team with decades' worth of a wide range of skills and experience

Our experts' wealth of experience as pioneers of the emerging regime of data protection in the ECOWAS common market, places GPM Associates in good lead to support clients in 4 critical ways:

Compliance with regulation

Leveraging on data protection value chain to stimulate organizational growth

Social acceptance and

Corporate governance

Licensed Data Protection Compliance Organization (DPCO) registered under the Nigeria Information Technology Development Agency (NITDA)

Suite 008 & 009, KINGFEM 247, 1069 Ahmadu Bello Way, FCT Abuja.

+234 803 899 2782, +234 703 854 9925, +234 802 321 5777,

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We have a track record and diligently continue to support our clients in achieving optimal results.